1. Why do you wear Vibram FiveFingers?

The reason I wear vibram five fingers is when I was 18 years old I separated my ankle from foot and my while world came crashing down as I wasn’t able to walk properly as I wouldn’t have proper ankle movement in normal shoes. After doing loads of research I stumbled across barefoot walking and read all the benefits and because I was so desperate I would try anything regardless how ridiculous people thought they were. Since wearing barefoot shoes my ankles have strengthened so much to the fact I can run and climb mountains long walks etc all thanks to a change of lifestyle and my Vibram five finger shoes I’m now 23 and never felt better
2.What do you use them for most and how have FiveFingers made a difference?
I wear my Vibrams any chance I get from general day to day to exercise like running long walks. They have made a huge difference as when I wear them my ankles get full movement range which have increased the strength and gave me my life back
3.How do you respond to people who don't understand the benefits?
I get a lot of looks when I’m wearing them as they aren’t the norm but when I explain the benefits and how they changed my life they get curious and ask more questions but always say they wouldn’t wear them their selves
4.How did you discover FiveFingers?
When doing research I stumbled on a video on YouTube who was reviewing them.
5.What other barefoot products do you wear?
Barefoot Junkie(Vibram FiveFingers) are the only barefoot products I wear as the quality is second to none and so grateful they gave my life back.
Below is a picture in my first ever pair with my dog with a genuine smile on my face